
USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0: Which Is Better?

  Confused whether you should be buying USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 device or connector? This post will clear it all up. Miscommunication about the terms When the use of USB (Universal Serial Bus) was introduced with Mac computers, I was already used to the term that it was referring to a port. When other brands of computers followed and the flash drive was invented, I often heard from non-mac users the question: do you have a USB? Confused about how I would answer, I wondered why these people are so interested with the USB port on my mac. Finally, it dawned on me they they were referring to USB flash drive. And I would often correct them: flash drive? There is this USB 2.0, USB 3.0, USB-A, USB-B, and USB-C. What are they? What are their differences? Does USB refer to the port or to the drive? Great question! A "USB drive" typically refers to the data storage device itself, like the flash drive or thumb drive that people use to store and transfer files. It’s a small, portable device t...

What Are The Minerals That Make The Body Healthy?

Minerals are essential for a healthy body. Here is a list of the minerals with their corresponding recommended daily intake. The recommended daily intake of minerals can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, overall health, and specific dietary needs. What is listed here is a general guideline for the daily recommended intake of minerals for adults .  Calcium: 1000-1300 mg/day  Phosphorus: 700-1250 mg/day  Potassium: 2800-3400 mg/day  Sodium: 1500-2300 mg/day  Magnesium: 320-420 mg/day (men), 270-320 mg/day (women)  Iron: 8-18 mg/day (men), 8-27 mg/day (women)  Zinc: 11 mg/day (men), 8 mg/day (women)  Copper: 900 μg/day  Manganese: 2.3 mg/day (men), 1.8 mg/day (women)  Iodine: 150 μg/day  Selenium: 55 μg/day (men), 55 μg/day (women)  Chromium: 35 μg/day (men), 25 μg/day (women)  Molybdenum: 45 μg/day  Fluoride: 3-4 mg/day (men), 3 mg/day (women)  Cobalt: No established dietary reference intake (DRI) values....

Which Form of Dairy Milk Is Healthiest?

Perhaps, you've been confused by the so many labels of dairy milk available in the market that you don't know which one to buy and which one is best for you. The following information will guide you as to which form of dairy milk suits you more. The 14 Varieties of Dairy Milk 1. Raw Milk Raw milk refers to milk that has not undergone pasteurization or any other heat treatment. It is straight from the animal and may contain bacteria, pathogens, or other microorganisms. Raw milk consumption carries potential health risks, and its availability is regulated in many countries. // I've tasted raw carabao milk and I didn't like it. To describe it in Tagalog, it was "naka-uumay". "Umay" has no direct translation in English. If food tastes so rich, so rich that you don't want to continue finishing it; it makes you wince. 2. Whole Milk Whole milk is unprocessed milk that contains all the naturally occurring fat. It typically has a fat content of around...

How Would You Describe Prince Charming?

Say, you are writing a novel or a short story. How would you describe the character of Prince Charming?  Who is Prince Charming? In the fairy tale Cinderella, he is only known as the Prince Charming. He doesn't have a name; but "Prince Charming" has become a typical epitome of an ideal man. He has become every girl's (and boy's) fairy-tale-dream-come-true "man of my love and life."  So, who is Prince Charming? Why is he so extraordinarily special? Prince Charming or the Prince of Cinderella is a charming and gallant gentleman. He is a handsome young man with a tall and athletic build, dressed in fine clothing such as a tailored suit or a regal uniform. In terms of demeanor, Prince Charming exudes confidence and elegance. He is polite, well-spoken, and exudes a sense of regal grace. He is the epitome of chivalry, treating others with respect and displaying good manners. When it comes to the way he talks, Prince Charming speaks with a refined and cu...

Who Were The Gentiles?

Who were the Gentiles? The Holy Bible often mentioned about the unlikeable Gentiles. Why were they like outcasts? The term " Gentiles " generally refers to people who are not Jewish or who are not part of the Jewish community. In a religious context, the term is often used in contrast to Jews or to refer to non-Christians. The term "Gentile" is derived from the Latin word " gentilis ," which means " of or belonging to a nation ." In the Bible, the term is used to refer to non-Jewish people, particularly in the New Testament. Were The Gentiles Israelites too? In the Bible, Gentiles are mentioned in various contexts, and some of them lived in Israel while others lived outside of Israel. In the Old Testament, Gentiles are sometimes referred to as " the nations ," and they are depicted as living in different regions and kingdoms around Israel. For example, the book of Genesis describes various Gentile nations, including the Eg...

What Happened To Cebu Holdings?

What happened to Cebu Holdings? On 16 December 2021, Cebu Holdings Inc (CHI) was merged with and into Ayala Land Inc (ALI) with the latter as the surviving company. Together with Cebu Holdings, the merge also included Asian I-Office Properties Inc (AiO), Arca South Commercial Ventures Corp (ASCVC) and Central Block Developers Inc (CBDI). All CHI shares are now converted to ALI shares. Cebu Holdings is a subsidiary of Ayala Land. Ayala Corporation owns Ayala Land. Mermac was a family corporation owned by the Ayala-Zobel-Roxas clan. It is the grandmother holding company that owns almost half of Ayala Corporation shares. Mermac stands for Mercedes Macmicking, the grandmother of the Roxas-Ayala-Zobels clan. Macmicking, an American soldier, is the man behind the Ayala Business Center vision as "little New York with Central Park." Ayala Business Centre was locally labeled as Makati Central Business District (MCBD) during the lengthened mayorship of Jejomar Binay.

What To Look For A Good Web Hosting Plan

What should you look for when considering a better web hosting provider? Web hosting companies usually offer multiple web hosting plans. It usually starts with a starter's pack, which is the cheapest and with lesser features. Which plan should you get? Should you go with the cheapest? I have listed here 12 of the most important features of a web hosting plan can provide. Choosing the Better Web Hosting Plan from a Web Host Provider There are a many features that a web hosting provider should be able to deliver. Not all of them are available in one hosting plan. Cheaper plans have fewer features. So, choose the web hosting plan most appropriate to your website. To guide you on what to look for in a better web hosting plan, I have listed 12 of them. There are more than 12 but are too technical to discuss here. Based on my experience, these are hosting plan features that I am really particular with for the reason that I consider them very essential. To those who just look for a...