Who Were The Gentiles?

Who were the Gentiles? The Holy Bible often mentioned about the unlikeable Gentiles. Why were they like outcasts? The term " Gentiles " generally refers to people who are not Jewish or who are not part of the Jewish community. In a religious context, the term is often used in contrast to Jews or to refer to non-Christians. The term "Gentile" is derived from the Latin word " gentilis ," which means " of or belonging to a nation ." In the Bible, the term is used to refer to non-Jewish people, particularly in the New Testament. Were The Gentiles Israelites too? In the Bible, Gentiles are mentioned in various contexts, and some of them lived in Israel while others lived outside of Israel. In the Old Testament, Gentiles are sometimes referred to as " the nations ," and they are depicted as living in different regions and kingdoms around Israel. For example, the book of Genesis describes various Gentile nations, including the Eg...