Which Form of Dairy Milk Is Healthiest?

Perhaps, you've been confused by the so many labels of dairy milk available in the market that you don't know which one to buy and which one is best for you. The following information will guide you as to which form of dairy milk suits you more. The 14 Varieties of Dairy Milk 1. Raw Milk Raw milk refers to milk that has not undergone pasteurization or any other heat treatment. It is straight from the animal and may contain bacteria, pathogens, or other microorganisms. Raw milk consumption carries potential health risks, and its availability is regulated in many countries. // I've tasted raw carabao milk and I didn't like it. To describe it in Tagalog, it was "naka-uumay". "Umay" has no direct translation in English. If food tastes so rich, so rich that you don't want to continue finishing it; it makes you wince. 2. Whole Milk Whole milk is unprocessed milk that contains all the naturally occurring fat. It typically has a fat content of around...