When Did the First Apparition of Our Lady at Fátima Occur?

By Therese C - Flickr: DSCN5513, CC BY 2.0, Link
On 13 May 1917, three shepherd children, namely Lucia (10 years old), Francisco (8), and Jacinta (6), saw a Lady in all white and brilliant than the sun, who introduced herself as the Angel of Peace. The Lady was wearing a white mantle edged with gold, and holding a rosary. She asked the children to pray the rosary everyday and devote themselves to the Holy Trinity. The devotion to the Lady spread as devotion to Our Lady of Fatima - a name added to the hundreds of appellations attributed to Mary, Mother of Jesus.
When did the Catholic Church recognised the apparition as "worthy of belief?"
In 1930, the Catholic Church recognised the apparitions and miracles at Fatima as "worthy of belief." This year, 2017, the Catholic Church celebrates the 100 years of devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. The feast day of Our Lady of Fatima is every 13th of May.Fátima is a parish in Portugal.
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